"In art, the only thing that really counts is the bit you can't explain." Georges Braque

"In art, the only thing that really counts is the bit you can't explain." Georges Braque


Tea Papers
March 11-28

Environ Architecture
100 Oceangate
Suite p200
Long Beach, CA 90802
Parking available on site

March 11 tickets
All other dates call:

Solo Show
20 Works including Tea Papers
April 3-30 (Opening Reception April 3)

Art & Soul Gallery
1323 State Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
Street parking available

Open Thursdays - Sundays 12-6pm
By appointment: 805.724.2470

Tea Papers
May 3-31

Black Box
Outdoor Micro Gallery
7118 Metz St.
Long Beach 90807

Best for night viewing